About Us

You are welcome to www.apkcrib.blogspot.com blog,

APKcrib as the name entails is a forum blog designed for android users in  Nigerian,  African and even the world at large.

my Name is Peter John Inakwu a Deploma holder,  in Electrical Electronic Engineering,  currently an Undergraduate in FUTMX.

I am a web designer and a blogger who craves hobbies in reading, sourcing for information about the latest happening around us.

Added to that is Tutorial construction about Technological solutions.
It was launched in SEP. 2016 for the purpose of making available all android apps, games etc at your finger tips.

Do check back regularly for fresh updates you will love to read. Your Comments are important and highly welcomed. Feel free..

Remember our site is www.apkcrib.blogspot.com

Email Us @    johnperolski@gmail.com